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Flash and Facts

18 December 2012

Prospects for India: 2013 should be better

No doubt that India will have to face governance challenges and even political clashes in 2013.But despite the global economy downturn the outlook for India is better.It's obvious that the ...

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18 December 2012

Tax exile: whose fault?

Many politicians criticise their rich citizens fleeing the country's punitive taxes.This was for instance the case in France after a famous actor and many well-known businessmen took up legal ...

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8 December 2012

Human Resources

India's Finance Minister asked country's human resources to return back after spending a few years in other parts of the world in order to meet challenges of their own country. He stressed ...

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8 December 2012

Golden Resources

Indians are in love with gold to such an extent that it turns into a burden for India's budget. India is the largest market for gold jewellery in the world.Gold import bill for the country ...

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1 December 2012

Get economic growth: the formula.

Add young people to democracy and get economic growth. This formula according to the latest World Bank and UN reports could enable India to be in the lead of the world economy around 2050. In spite ...

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1 December 2012

"The debt is an enemy"

In fact France's finance minister focused on his country's public debt, which had to be reduced urgently. This declaration was made almost immediately after Moody's announcement ...

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16 November 2012

India’s security challenges

If we focus on the indian ocean region we must take account of India's growing concern about China's strategy. China is developing in particular seaports and other major infrastructures in ...

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16 November 2012

Is the indian businessman so different?

The recent rise and fall of the tycoon Vijay Mallya owner of Kingfisher Airlines leads us to a hasty conclusion: Indian and Western businessmen ressemble each other greatly. And yet, people doing ...

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12 November 2012

Britain vs Europe: an old and annoying story!

German's Chancellor Merkel is in conflict with British PM Cameron. She faces a growing dispute with D. Cameron about the EU budget. The British Premier warns that he could veto any increase in ...

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12 November 2012

Kings of Silicon Valley?

It's a common knowledge that startups in India are coming up with a lot of wonderful ideas and niche innovations which are attractive to global investors. A less well-known figure teach us ...

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