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Flash and Facts

12 May 2020

The next Step: the Return of Mass Unemployment

A social and economic crisis will emerge in the wake of the current major health crisis that affects already 210 countries and territories around the world. There is little doubt that we will soon ...

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12 May 2020

China wants to become the Hub of the New World

It is not disputed that China is at the origin of the current pandemic. The Chinese authorities have long hidden the real situation in the Wuhan region letting the virus spread.They then tried to ...

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28 April 2020

Uncontrolled Urbanization has facilitated the Spread of the Coronavirus

Most scientists agree that the current health crisis is a « perfect example » of the close relationships between the hyper urbanization and new or re-emerging infectious ...

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28 April 2020

A Medical Brigade on a War Footing: Questions about Cuba’s Soft Power

The late Fidel Castro tried to export the Cuban Revolution in particular to South American and African countries, but with mixed results. He got the idea, long before the current Coronavirus health ...

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10 April 2020

Pandemics and Climate Change put a double pressure on People’s Lives

In the event of a major crisis, politicians whether in power or belonging to the opposition stick together for the good of the nation. Authorities and elected leaders must assume the burden of ...

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10 April 2020

Traditions and Beliefs versus Science

With regard to the current health crisis, we need to address the issue of wildlife smuggling. There is a clear link between wildlife smuggling and infectious diseases. The Wildlife Conservation ...

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27 March 2020

Covid-19 will be a difficult Challenge but it is one that we must face

The worldwide news media are totally focused on Covid-19. The current situation is of course very serious, difficult and for the vast majority of us unprecedented. Nevertheless, we clearly cannot ...

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27 March 2020

The Arms Trade is still Flourishing

The arms trade industry is doing very well. Worldwide arms sales were up 4.6% in 2018. But of course this is also a clear sign of growing tensions and armed conflicts throughout the globe. The ...

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13 March 2020

A few brief Considerations about the current Global Health Crisis

There is growing public and international alarm about the potentially devastating effects of the COVID-19. Unsurprisingly, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes disclose the information in a non ...

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13 March 2020

Is the European Green Deal Plan overambitious ?

The European Green Deal is described as the most ambitious plan ever presented regarding environmental issues. In a nutshell, the European Commission (EC) led by Mrs von der Leyen wants the EU to ...

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