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Flash and Facts

11 January 2019

An Insurrectional Atmosphere in the very Heart of Europe

There are those who feel that their voices are not being heard. They must be able to express their ideas. There are also those who believe that the use of violence is the best way to undermine ...

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19 December 2018

The political Elite should be exemplary, or at least show the way ahead

One might think that heads of States and Governments have better things to do than to tackle the most important issue facing our planet, that of the threat of climate change. Many observers ...

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19 December 2018

In 2019, European Union will face many Difficulties and could be in Danger

Within the EU, tensions are high between several Member States and the Commission. Budgetary and immigration issues give rise to conflicts. The fact is that many European Governments are in fragile ...

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29 November 2018

We must put a stop to runaway demographic growth before it is too late

We should first abandon this obscure and stereotyped language we use when it comes to the issue of soaring demography. Experts speak of "demographically dynamic countries". But that ...

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29 November 2018

We should adopt a Moratorium on Facial regognition technology

The spread of facial recognition technology across the globe could become a real threat to our individual freedoms and rights. Even big tech companies, and in particular Microsoft, raised serious ...

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13 November 2018

Russia projects its military power in an attempt to intimidate European leaders

Russia launched in September of this year the "East 2018" military manoeuvres involving about 300,000 soldiers, 36,000 tanks and armoured vehicles and 80 ships. It is important to ...

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13 November 2018

Air Quality : there is a long road ahead

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently recalled that air pollution remains at dangerously high level in many parts of the world. In fact, nine out of ten people live in places where outdoor ...

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26 October 2018

Trolls, Bots and Fake News: they are our deadly ennemies

What is urgently called for is a general mobilization against global proliferation of fake news and attacks from trolls and bots. The perpetrators and agressors are not always easy to identify. ...

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26 October 2018

The major issue of medicine shortages is far from solved

"The European pharmaceutical industry and regulators are worried about an imminent worsening of the persistent problem of shortages of medicines in the region" (Re.PharmTech). Such a ...

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12 October 2018

There will not only be Winners in this New world

The impact of the current technological revolution on the employability of individuals could be devastating. We know, of course, that the past scientific and technological discoveries fueled the ...

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