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Flash and Facts

13 January 2016

A World without Cash

Will physical currency be abolished? Modern banknotes came into use in the 17th century in Europe. This can explain why the use of paper money and coins is deeply rooted in people's mindsets. ...

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18 December 2015

A few Facts about Freedom and Security

It is undeniable that the period in which we live requires a greater focus on security. These assaults against freedom and order weigh heavily on public opinion. There is a strong temptation to ...

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18 December 2015

A Few Facts about Climate Change

The only relevant issue after the Climate Change Summit in Paris is wether or not the heads of State are going to be compliant with their commitments. It is not disputed that an ever-increasing ...

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27 November 2015

The Economic Impact of Hacking

All estimates are very impressive. The cost of data breaches is expected to hit $2.1 trillion globally by 2019 (Juniper Research). And the World Economic Forum put it as high as 3 trillion. For its ...

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27 November 2015

Do Farmers still have a Future?

Protests by angry farmers across Europe have become familiar to us for a long time. The main reasons are well known: overproduction and declining prices. No entrepreneur wishes to sell its products ...

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13 November 2015

A Major Threat to Europe's Economy

Will EU recognize China as a market economy? A positive answer to this crucial question may have serious consequences for an important part of the industry in Europe. Let us summarize the ...

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13 November 2015

Europe is losing Ground in R&D

Research and Development is of key importance for the growth of any country. But as regards the investments in R&D the Old Continent only ranks third behind the US and Asia. According to the ...

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30 October 2015

The ''Made in Germany'' is not at Risk

"Made in Germany", in particular in the industry sector, is regarded as a guarantee for high-quality, reliability, and trust. The top 50 German brands were valued at € 170 billion. ...

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30 October 2015

Luxury Goods: Europe tops the World

The global personal luxury goods market reached € 224 billion in revenue -at retail equivalent value- in 2014 (Study Bain & Co). And within this sector Europe appears like a fortress. To ...

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13 October 2015

The Best Story in the World

"This is the best story in the world today". These words were spoken by Jim Yong Kim, World Bank Group President, and refer to the poverty eradication. The latest World Bank report is ...

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