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Flash and Facts

27 April 2018

Elite Sport and Cheating: nothing surprises us any more

The revelations that come out day after day about doping seem to have little impact on public opinion. In fact, many of us are interested only in the athlete's "high-performances". ...

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13 April 2018

In the light of the rise of threats, European countries must awake from their torpor.

At a time of rising tension in many parts of the world the era of procrastination and of half measure is coming to its close. Until recently, many European leaders reassured themselves remembering ...

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13 April 2018

When the Big Boss tries to defend his Big salary : it's simply not credible

In response to a question asked by a reporter for the German magazine "Der Spiegel", the manager of one of the largest companies in the world has put forward an argument that is downright ...

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27 March 2018

Here is the unpretentious message we send to an overambitious business Icon

He is probably one of the most brilliant businessmen in the world. But without doubt, the compliment he prefers is: "You are a true visionary Mr Musk". Here on earth, some of us share the ...

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27 March 2018

The Borderline between Work and Private Life is increasingly blurred

It is estimated that four out of five employees use social media for private purpose during working hours (Report University of Bergen -UiB-). But does this mean that it might lead to a lower rate ...

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9 March 2018

We have tolerated high-level Corruption: we must now live with the consequences

Endemic corruption and endemic poverty are intimately linked.That is why we should not gloss over the massive corruption that enriches a significant number of politicians and high officials in some ...

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9 March 2018

Fighting a social scourge and dealing with organized crime: an uphill battle!

The illicit drug trade in the EU is estimated to generate €24 Billion in revenue each year. Around 35% of the organized crime groups active in Member States are involved in the production, ...

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23 February 2018

Online Fraud is poised for exponential growth, thanks to our new lifestyles

The cost of online fraud in terms of damages to society is already considerable. Victims are individuals, companies, public administrations etc.. Cyber criminals have drained worldwide $146.3 ...

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23 February 2018

Despite the weight of criticism, a majority of European citizens continue to enjoy Monarchies

Taxpayers are giving increased attention to the use of public money. That is why budgets allocated to Royal Courts in Europe are often fiercely debated in National Parliaments. Today, Kings and ...

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9 February 2018

We must stand firm against the Police State that is knocking at our door

Since the failed coup of July 2016 Turkish authorities have arrested over 50,000 people. Only a few days ago 11 senior members of the Turkish Medical Association were arrested for voicing ...

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