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Flash and Facts

28 February 2020

This is a Call for a Broad Coordinated Mobilization Worldwide to fight Climate Change

Today, there is a large scientific consensus that climate change should be at the top of the list of important policy issues. There is also a large scientific consensus that global warming was ...

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28 February 2020

Too many People in too many Countries still live in Poverty despite having a Job

Some 2 Billion people around the world -representing more than 60% of the global labour force- work illegally and very often under precarious conditions. This is one of the particularly striking ...

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14 February 2020

The impacts of Climate Change are already apparent and measurable

According to the World Bank it is estimated that natural disasters cost about US$ 18 Billion a year in low-and middle-income countries through damage to power generation and transport ...

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14 February 2020

Epidemics and Pandemics: A World at risk

The current COVID19 epidemic is a very serious threat to the world (Re.WHO-Feb.2020). A World at risk is the title of the first report from the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB) dated ...

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28 January 2020

The needs of a Growing Global Population pose a threat to our Planet

The world’s population now stands at 7.8 billion. We are adding over 200,000 people to our planet every day. As a result, by 2025 world population will be over 8 billion people and is ...

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28 January 2020

Cyber-criminality is a major Challenge for all democratic societies

The magnitude of the threat posed by cyber criminality is beyond doubt. State security services and experts agree that cyber attacks are rising steadily across the world. The perpetrators of such ...

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10 January 2020

Technological Domination will be a crucial Challenge for the Years to come

The battle for technological leadership between the world's two majors powers will undoubtedly be fierce. The clearest case in this respect was that of Huawei -the Chinese giant telecom ...

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10 January 2020

Some essential highlights from the Climate Risk Index 2020

The Climate Risk Index (CRI) analyzes to what extent countries across the world have been affected by impacts of extreme weather effects such as storms, floods and heat waves. The five countries ...

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13 December 2019

The spread of Fake News on social media is a real Threat to our Democracies

There is increasing evidence that organized social media manipulation campaigns have targeted 70 countries across the globe in 2019, up from 48 countries in 2018 and 28 countries in 2017. And ...

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13 December 2019

The Work-Life Balance: a topic for everyday discussion

We know that some International Organizations produce bulky reports that are seldom read. There are also numerous studies which are of limited value. We wish to call into question, for example, the ...

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