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Flash and Facts

14 June 2019

The Challenges posed by the supply of Rare Earths are not insurmountable

China in response to pressure from the current US Administration recently threatened to restrict exports of rare earths. There is no doubt that we need to take seriously China's threat. But the ...

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29 May 2019

Individual Freedom and Individual Responsibility must go together

Earlier this month, two French special forces soldiers were killed in a military operation in the West African nation of Burkina Faso that freed four people from the US, South Korea and France who ...

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29 May 2019

The Working Poor: from Frustration to Anger

The phenomenon of in-work poverty could potentially destabilize many western societies. It is directly linked to low pay and short-term jobs but also to a lack of social protection. The incomes of ...

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14 May 2019

A Call for Immediate Action on Biodiversity Loss

The humans are directly threatened by the destruction of nature. They carry a heavy responsibility in this situation which is deteriorating with each passing year. There is agreement among experts ...

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14 May 2019

Europe remains one of the main targets of Terrorism

Obviously, ISIS has lost the capacity to defend its territory in Iraq and Syria. But, it is precisely because of its current weakness that this criminal group plans to organize and launch terrorist ...

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26 April 2019

The Judges will take the lead role in the fight against Climate Change

Countries around the world have, to date , done very little to fight against climate change. Political leaders seem paralyzed by the magnitude of the task. And the vast majority of industrial ...

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26 April 2019

The Movie Star and the Absolute Monarch

George Clooney has called for a boycott of Brunei-owned luxury hotels -located in the UK, France, Italy and the US- over the sultanate’s imposition of the death penalty for gay sex and ...

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12 April 2019

The Consumers shake up the Food and Beverage industries

The giants of the food and drink processing industries must reinvent themselves. The consumer has become an implacable judge and an outstanding expert in the domain of nutrition. Today, he is ...

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12 April 2019

We must strongly denounce the anti-vaccination hysteria

Some believe that there is no need to vaccinate their children. In light of this, the health authorities must be very vigilant in face of people making individual decisions that are potentially ...

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29 March 2019

Water: a Source of Life, but also a Source of Conflict

Three in ten people -2.1billion- do not have access to safe drinking water and six in ten people -4.5 billion- have no safe sanitation facilities (Re.UN World Water Report 2019 -Fig.2015). The UN ...

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