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Flash and Facts

14 November 2014

When the Threat comes from the Sky

19 unidentified overflights of the French nuclear power plants alerted government authorities, but also public opinions, to the risks associated with the operation of these very sensitive sites. ...

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31 October 2014

The Economic Impacts of a Pandemic

Today, Ebola represents a serious threat to public health. But, of course, epidemics and pandemics have always existed. Nearly every country has experienced at least one epidemic since the year ...

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31 October 2014

New Concerns about Europe's Economy

Many international Institutions, in particular the IMF, are concerned with the hard times the European economy could again experience. The question is often raised: Is Europe the sick man of the ...

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14 October 2014

States are Struggling to find Resources

Given the worsening crisis in public finances the international community has engaged to fight harmful tax practices of multinational enterprises. Numerous reports have demonstrated that they often ...

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14 October 2014

People want more Social Protection

The situation is a concern. Only 27% of the world's population has access to comprehensive social security systems.This means that 73% of children and adults around the world are only partially ...

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23 September 2014

The Impact of Economic Sanctions

Sanctions and embargoes have proved throughout history to be political and diplomatic tools that can be mobilized to put international pressure on governments and States. The EU and US have imposed ...

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23 September 2014

Is the Cold War back ?

Nato leaders approved plans to create a rapid response force with headquarters in Eastern Europe in order to send a clear mesage to Russia: stop agression and the use of force in Ukraine! The North ...

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5 September 2014

An Anemic Defense Spending

Europe faces massive instability along its borders. The situation in Ukraine is a striking example of a crisis that could quickly get out of hand. But we could also mention Libya, Syria etc...Today, ...

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5 September 2014

Education is the Best Investment

It is undoubted that investment in education is the most effective way to increase economic growth throughout the world. The OECD stresses the importance for European countries to invest more and ...

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19 August 2014

Tourism generates Massive Revenues

International tourism receipts reached USD 1159 billion worldwide in 2013, up from USD 1078 billion in 2012. These figures provided by the United Nations Tourism Organization (UNWTO) underline the ...

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