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Flash and Facts

10 November 2017

Fight against Counterfeiting: a Red Alert was declared

The flow of counterfeiting products is devastating to the economy. Indeed, the global figures on the scale of counterfeiting explode. The latest estimate puts the figure at $ 461 billion for 2013 ...

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10 November 2017

Is Malta the soft underbelly of Europe ?

Malta is in the eye of the storm after the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia investigate journalist and blogger who denounced corruption prevailing in her country. But the smallest EU's State ...

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27 October 2017

Naturally, we do not have to wait for a Disaster, to act !

It is high time for many governments to face the reality. The security of nuclear power plants is not at an acceptable level and must therefore absolutely be enhanced. Indeed, the terrorist threat ...

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27 October 2017

We must step up the fight against Modern Slavery

The persistance of slavery in our modern world is indisputable. Today, the victims of this tragedy have many faces. Among these intolerable forms of human exploitation we must denounce, especially, ...

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10 October 2017

The Online Giants are in the sights of the European authorities

The EU authorities are willing to tackle the tax optimisation techniques put in place by the world's largest digital groups. According to a report from the MEP Paul Tang the member countries ...

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10 October 2017

Can Organic Farming Feed the World ?

Today, the answer to this question is clearly no. Quite simply because only 1% of agricultural land is organically farmed worldwide. However, organic agriculture can show the way forward with ...

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26 September 2017

Violence against Women: the battle is only just beginning

When talking about violence against women it is often said that such an issue mainly concerns the developing countries. This is patently false. In fact, violence against women is still very common ...

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26 September 2017

Youth unemployment remains the Achilles heel of Europe

A " Lost Generation ! ". Although this observation cannot be completely denied, however, it is a little bit outrageous. This said, the fact is that the figures for youth unemployment are ...

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8 September 2017

The Fears of our Citizens at Summer's end

Terrorism and climate change are the leading threats people perceive today around the world. This is according to the latest Pew Research Center study. Nearly 42,000 thousand people in 38 countries ...

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8 September 2017

The Hefty Bill of Climate Change

According to the European Environment Agency (EEA) southern and southeastern regions of Europe will face the continent's most adverse effects from climate change. In fact today, a majority of ...

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