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Flash and Facts

13 July 2018

A Black Cloud hanging over the Travel and Tourist Industry

This is the problem in a nutshell: 95% of the tourists visit 5% of the planet's surface. As a result, the most attractive cities and sites across the world are close to saturation and some even ...

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27 June 2018

The early release of hundreds of radicalized detainees is a serious threat to Europe

We cannot deny that a few dozen terrorists have taken advantage of the large migration flows to enter the european territory. However, it is a small part of the overall picture. Indeed, the ...

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27 June 2018

The Diasporas are often essential to the survival of their countries of origin

International migrants from emerging and developing countries -estimated at 266 million people- sent home $440 billion in 2017 (Re.World Bank). And these figures are certainly underestimated as ...

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12 June 2018

The «Lider Maximo» has created the «Chaos Maximo» in his country

Many governments in Europe and beyond have decided to increase pressure on the authorities in Caracas. Venezuela is on the verge of social and economic disaster. The IMF, for 2018, predicts a new ...

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12 June 2018

We should Stop digging our own Grave

More than 550 leading experts from over 100 countries confirmed, after a three-year work , the continuous decline of biodiversity throughout the world (Ref. IPBES-Unesco-FAO). Biodiversity is not ...

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29 May 2018

Deliberate Disinformation has become a weapon of mass Destruction

The dissemination of rumours and false or misleading news is a phenomenon that has developed at an alarming speed with the internet. Non-democratic states but also hard-core small militant groups ...

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29 May 2018

Cultural excellence is a powerful engine for economic growth

It is now a proven fact that cultural diplomacy can provide a good deal of support to the economy as a whole. France, in particular, has demonstrated that promoting nation's culture on the ...

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11 May 2018

We need determination and action if we really want to cut off terrorist funding

"No money for terror" was the theme of the high-level international conference which brought together 72 countries in Paris a few days ago. The top-calibre participants agreed that it is ...

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11 May 2018

Storm warnings for the Aegean sea

The practice of hostage-taking is as old as humanity itself. However, a State-organized hostage-taking involving two allied nations is no ordinary event. In fact, Turkey and Greece -both members of ...

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27 April 2018

Neocolonialism: instead of lecturing other countries, let us consider our history

The Chinese authorities have never claimed that they were investing in Africa for altruistic reasons. By 1914 almost 90% of the African continent's landmass was under European control. The ...

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