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Flash and Facts

14 June 2016

The Luxury sector will also have to evolve

The luxury sector will increasingly depend on tourism but also on the changing shopping patterns of the consumers. Today 58% of the so-called Generation Y (Net generation) go on the Internet for ...

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27 May 2016

Are we entering a Jobless Society ?

It must be recognized that an increasing demand for new professions and skills is emerging from the impact of new technologies. But it is precisely these new technologies which will undermine ...

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27 May 2016

We have entered a World without Cash

The European Central Bank has decided to end the production and issuance of €500 banknotes - 600 million of such banknotes were in circulation in 2015 - by the end of 2018. This decision, ...

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13 May 2016

Unicorn Startups are facing a Test of Truth

Today, 145 startups worldwide are valued at more than US$ 1 billion. And among these companies which earned the title of unicorn 12 are valued at more than US$ 10 billion(Fig.WSJ &DJVS). Uber ...

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13 May 2016

A few comments about the Decline in Industry

As early as the 19th century, Europe was considered as the world's most competitive powerhouse. Today, the continent's economy is essentially based on the services sector but it remains an ...

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29 April 2016

The Influx of Money to Sport

Illegal betting, doping or corruption are not new phenomena in the world of sport. Today, almost all sporting disciplines are suspected of dubious practices. Obviously, it mainly affects "the ...

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29 April 2016

The Current Costs of Healthcare are Unsustainable

The financial foundations of the healthcare system are deteriorating in particular in European countries. The challenges are well known: an ageing population, the growth in chronic diseases and ...

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12 April 2016

The Long Term Effects of Terrorism

The growing impact on our economies and citizens of terrorism is no loger in question. However, the consequences are difficult to assess.Of course, the damage to infrastructure and buildings can ...

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12 April 2016

Unemployment is a Millstone around Europe's Neck

There are at lest two faces of unemployment in Europe. Unemployment remains a matter of great concern in a majority of countries. Numerous countries have high or very high unemployment rates and ...

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29 March 2016

Relaunching the European Defense is urgent

Against a background of serious international tension and the pressure of terrorist movements, the strengthening of European military capabilities seems essential. The idea of a European army goes ...

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