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Flash and Facts

10 March 2017

A lot of Goods still slip through the Cracks

Obviously, there is much to be done in the fight against drugs. On the basis of the figures provided by Europol, it can be estimated that Europeans spend at least € 27 billion on illicit drugs ...

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27 February 2017

It's Time some European Countries get a Wake-up Call

Some of the larger European countries, namely Germany, France and Italy finally decided to take action with regard to the Chinese massive investments in their economies. Last year Chinese overseas ...

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27 February 2017

The Cost of Hospital-Acquired Infections is Significant

The human and financial cost of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) is unacceptable. According to a report from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, these infections account ...

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10 February 2017

The Distress experienced by many Small Farmers

In Europe, small farmers are often in a very difficult financial situation. Despite a painful work too many are stuck in a hole and cannot dig themselves out. In a word, they can no longer make a ...

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10 February 2017

The need for Sustainable and Effective Healthcare Systems

Longer life expectancy and the discovery of novel therapeutic drugs will become the thorniest problems faced by our healthcare systems. According to OECD health spending has risen faster than ...

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27 January 2017

Disenchantment and Frustration among European Citizens

Many European citizens say they are tired of relying on EU institutions and treaties to determine their fate. And yet, Europe this "island" of peace and prosperity is the envy of much of ...

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27 January 2017

A New Tax Haven in the Heart of Europe ?

Who would have believed only a few months ago that the UK would be looking seriously to become a new tax haven. And yet, the Chancellor P. Hammond has clearly threaten the EU with aggressive tax ...

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13 January 2017

A Fresh Look on State Corruption

The fight against corruption of public African leaders seems to be intensifying. And it is a real novelty for many authorities which had a annoying tendency to turn a blind eye to the massive ...

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13 January 2017

Big Data, Big Concern !

With the massive use of internet and the proliferation of social applications and websites we fuel consciously or unconsciously the mammoth data centers. It is well known that each person who is ...

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13 December 2016

Hate Speech, Fake News: it is High Time to React

The fight against hate speech and fake news via social media will be an uphill struggle. It is estimated that between 15 and 20% of european citizens obtain their information via social networks. ...

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