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Flash and Facts

27 November 2019

Europeans are faced with an aging population and ultimately with Demographic Decline

In 2018, nearly one fifth of the EU population was aged 65 and more. And the share of people aged 80 years or more should double by 2100 to reach almost 15% of the whole population (Re.Eurostat). ...

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12 November 2019

The Irresponsible Exploitation of the Sea's Resources

Almost one third of the 600 fish stocks which have been evaluated scientifically are either overfished or depleted (Re.UN-Food). This is all the more unacceptable considering that each year 35% of ...

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12 November 2019

Despite Brexit, UK and France should remain the Strong Arm of Europe

The Uk-France alliance on defence is crucial to Europe's security. Today, this alliance can be described as solid and strong. But for how much longer? The military agreements on defence between ...

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29 October 2019

EU-US Trade relations: Europeans should prepare for the Worst

Relations between Europe and the United States have considerably deteriorated since the Pt Trump took office in 2017. And far from receding, the fever which has for a couple of years driven the ...

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29 October 2019

When Major Cities decide to address the Challenge of Climate Change

The C40 Association -94 major cities around the world- including Boston, Durban, London, Los-Angeles, Mexico-City, New-York city and Paris is leading the way in the combat against climate change. ...

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11 October 2019

The issue of Overpopulation seems to be still Taboo

Roughly 83 million people are added to the world’s population each year (Re.UN). At the same time, we can see that a great many people are already affected by climate change. And global ...

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11 October 2019

The Weaponization of Space is inescapable

The current militarization of space will lead sooner or later to its weaponization. It needs to be reminded that under the terms of the Outer Space Treaty which came into force on 10 October 1967 ...

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27 September 2019

The Green Color is becoming very appealing for the Business World

All those who are decided to combat climate change, in particular leading companies, are welcome. Of course, we know that some large businesses and big brands invoke the protection of our planet as ...

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27 September 2019

Violence against Women: unfortunately still high on the Agenda

Violence against women and girls is on the rise globally. It is estimated that 137 women across the world are killed by a member of their own family every day (Re.UN Women). And worldwide, 38% of ...

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6 September 2019

The Crisis affecting the Banking sector causes acute Social problems

Banks across the world have already announced more than 48,500 job cuts this year (Re.Bloomberg). The layoffs represent about 6% of their total workforce which is significant. In fact, European ...

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