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Flash and Facts

30 October 2020

Sanitary Crisis : We must Assume our Responsibilities

It is not reasonable to point the finger only at animal species to explain the current Covid 19 crisis. However, health authorities, and rightly so, stressed that 75% of all emerging infectious ...

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30 October 2020

A few brief Comments on Europe's Health Sovereignty

Since the beginning of the current sanitary crisis EU leaders are pushing for greater independence especially from US and Chinese technologies. This concerns medical research as well as vaccines ...

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15 October 2020

The aggressive attitude of Turkish Leaders enabled Europeans to close ranks

The 27 Members of the European Union asked Pt Erdogan to stop illegal drilling in Cyprus waters. It must be stressed that on this occasion the EU authorities provided an unequivocal support to ...

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15 October 2020

A Search for a genuine Quality of Life

We do not dispute that the concept of quality of life is hard to be define clearly. It is a mix of material, physical and even moral well-being. It is also a very fashionable topic of conversation. ...

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30 September 2020

Is China a (reliable) Partner or an (obvious) Rival for Europe ?

J.Borrel the EU's foreign policy chief recently stated that "China is clearly a necessary partner, like it or not". This statement from a high-ranking international diplomat should ...

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30 September 2020

Major Companies are increasingly concerned with their Corporate Image

Big bosses and senior partners are paying the price for the bad image of their companies. It is clearly a heavy trend in today's business world. An example among many other: the Managing ...

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11 September 2020

Should we first Protect the Health of our Citizens or first Protect our Economy?

Most Governments in the world acknowledged that the Coronavirus epidemic presents an immense challenge. The same Governments claim with their hands over their hearts that the health of their ...

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11 September 2020

Europe, land of the Bloodiest Conflicts has become the World's most Peaceful Region

For centuries, Europe was devastated by bloody conflicts. World War II is considered as the deadliest military conflict in history: an estimated total of 80 Million people perished which ...

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18 August 2020

In time of Crisis we need a Clear Message

Covid-19 or any other pandemic virus will not go away on its own. The message of governments to their citizens must be very clear, unequivocal and strong. The criticism voiced by certain political ...

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18 August 2020

Uncertain Prospects in a World under Pressure

Let's try to figure out what the current concerns of many people around the planet could be. A difficult task at first glance. Not really! In fact, the current concerns of the international ...

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