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13 October 2015

India Wakes up to ISIS Threat

It is undeniable that the influence of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) is not seeped into the Indian society even though it has not staged any attack inside the country. Ever since this outfit announced its caliphate little more than a year ago, the objective to set its foot in the troubled Af-Pak region, India and other part of Asia is well known to everyone.


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28 September 2015

European ideal at stake

Apparently, editors of the Oxford Dictionary could not come to an agreement on how to describe the nature of the current European crisis. They just picked two words from European headlines as an easy way out: Grexit and Brexit. Grexit is about Greece's inability to repay its financial debt and its threat to quit the eurozone if Europe doesn't pay its bills.


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28 September 2015

Do we have the right environment to attract FDIs

Time to hold up a mirror to ourselves and examine our warts. For over a decade now, we have had ministers and even Prime Ministers sashaying around the world trying desperately to hawk India as the dream investment destination. Finance minister Arun Jaitley was busy doing roadshows in Hong Kong and Singapore till the other day.


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8 September 2015

India's economy after the bloodbath

It is remarkable that despite OECD's forecast of a slowdown in global trade and investment, India continue to grow at over 7 per cent. The IMF has also predicted a slower global economic growth which now seems probable when there are alarming factors in the global arena especially in the Chinese economy.


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8 September 2015

Delhi Air Quality Challenges & Action Plan

The ambient air quality has been monitored in Delhi since 1984 by the Central Pollution Control Board formerly known Delhi Pollution Control Committee. The collected data and analysis shows there is deterioration in air quality of Delhi. The air pollution has been a matter of concern because it is impacting environment and health. To combat the air quality problem it is important to understand the reason of problem to implement successful robust action plan in time frame.


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21 August 2015

It's time India stopped punching at shadows

For several years, India has aspired to become a member of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organisation, which was established in 1989 as a premier regional institution to promote trade and investment linkages in Asia-Pacific. Despite having close political, economic and strategic ties with many of the member countries of Apec, India's request for becoming a formal member of the group, made in 2007, is yet to be accepted.


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31 July 2015

Addressing India's missing girls: Time to re-evaluate strategies

The issue of declining child sex ratio has long been a national priority for India. However, Prime Minister Modi's announcement of the 'Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojna' in January has brought the issue to the forefront again. While initiatives like 'Selfie with Daughter' have helped in symbolically mainstreaming the campaign amongst the urban-educated middleclass, it is essential that the built momentum continues and gets translated into concrete results.


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31 July 2015

India's economic reforms: A flashback

Twenty-five years to the day, India began its tryst with the reform process. A balance of payments crisis and the dismantling of the Soviet Union which fashioned the end of rupee-rouble trade meant that India had to pony up in a hurry. Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao took the reins of power in extremely trying and difficult times.


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13 July 2015

ISIS: Is Central Asia the Next Stop?

There is a growing debate whether the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) will advance into the heartland of Central Asia or not, although the figures of people from the region joining the outfit differ from source to source.


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30 June 2015

Smart Cities to Enrich Urban Life

In a landmark decision, the Indian Government has given a green signal to the ambitious project of turning 100 urban centres spread across the country into smart cities ,the need for which has been vigorously espoused by the tech savy Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi .The “Smart Cities Mission” that will attract an investment of Rs.480,000-million has as its objective, “recasting the urban landscape of the country by making cities more liveable and inclusive, besides driving economic growth”.


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