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29 April 2021

Why it is important to get the China challenge right

Despite insurmountable challenges, there is no stepping back in global efforts to fight the rising threats of an authoritarian and revisionist power.


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29 April 2021

An uphill battle: Syrian refugees in Germany want citizenship and political representation

Even though Syrian refugees have been integrated relatively faster in Germany, social integration continues to be a challenge in the labour market.


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29 April 2021

China-Pakistan Strategic Nexus: Implications for India

The growing China-Pakistan nexus raises the threat to India. Their strategic and territorial interests have been cemented by the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). With the flow of Chinese military power into Pakistan, China veritably straddles India, with its armed forces present on our northern, eastern and western borders. This not only raises the real spectre of a ‘two-front’ war, but positions China to play a role in Kashmir and the region. Both countries must therefore be viewed as potential threats.


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13 April 2021

A damning revelation of how Beijing weaponizes aid

Despite being one of the world’s most formidable powers, China and its policies remain a mystery. Even nations that consider themselves close partners of Beijing hardly know much about the way its policies are formulated and their impact. Even Chinese behaviour appears shrouded in mystery, complicating its already complex relationship with the world. This lack of transparency means that often the world is left to deduce motives without any real data. As a consequence, diametrically opposite assertions are often made, depending on the vantage point of the country in question.


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13 April 2021

Five reasons for an unhappy India

The picture about India’s happiness quotient presented by the World Happiness Report 2021 is quite disappointing.


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13 April 2021

Why should Germany work more with India?

The author argues that to revitalise and strengthen their relationship Germany must meet India eye-to-eye at a time when democracy is threatened globally by authoritarian diplomacy.


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30 March 2021

Pandemic-induced unemployment in India: Criminal activities on the rise

Multinational and multisectoral cooperation is needed to tackle the risk of misappropriation of COVID-19 funds, preventing the opportunities for organised crime to establish more control over legal, capital, and financial markets.


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30 March 2021

US-China: Hot exchange in cold Alaska sets the tone

Relations between the reigning superpower and the aspiring one will be antagonistic and the rest of the world will have to navigate — sometimes delicately, sometimes openly.


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30 March 2021

Five tracks for the next ten years: Could this be India’s decade?

As the nation swam through the challenges actuated by the pandemic, its economy faced a fair share of learnings along the way.


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12 March 2021

China’s moves to strengthen its atomic arsenal

Silo-based missile capabilities increase the odds of survivability for China’s small arsenal and are integral to Beijing’s nuclear modernisation effort.


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