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15 December 2017

Aadhaar fever: Unveiling secrets to secure India?

Public angst against Aadhaar is not because of the technical effectiveness of the system, but the manner in which it is proposed to be used.


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28 November 2017

Saintliness versus efficiency

Saintliness is rigid in adapting to the world. Effectiveness — getting results on the ground, requires flexibility in implementation.


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28 November 2017

The fall of a dictator and rising Chinese clout in Zimbabwe

China and Zimbabwe got closer ever since Mugabe started pursuing his ‘Look East’ policy after the imposition of sanctions by western countries because of human right concerns.


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10 November 2017

Turbulence in the holy land: What the current situation in Saudi Arabia portends

There is infighting in the House of Saud, the royal family of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman has struck again by dismissing 'several senior ministers and detaining over 11 princes’.


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10 November 2017

Facing an aggressive China: The US may be inching towards Asian alliance

The United States, Japan, India, Australia – may emerge as guarantors of free trade and defense cooperation to check China


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10 November 2017

Key to Conflict Management in Kashmir is People, Politics and Perception

Violence is a type of backwardness and it is enormously powerful tool to coerce the communally fractured population to revolt against the state. But sustaining the uprising would need psychological mentoring and shaping of the perception of the people against the state.


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27 October 2017

Cities, not nation states, are likely to script the next age

It is almost certain that cities will script the story of our future. If India is to capitalise on this megatrend, it becomes essential for the country to engage in widespread and deep reforms, which go beyond infrastructure and focus on reforming governance mechanisms and empowering local government.


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27 October 2017

Trump ‘Decertifies’ Iran: What Next?

In a hard hitting speech on Friday the 13 October, 2017, President Trump announced that he would not certify to the Congress that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed with Iran is in US’ national security interest. He accused Iran of violating the JCPOA which is being monitored and verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) since January 2016. The IAEA in its seven quarterly reports has not suggested any violation of the agreement by Iran. However, several US think tanks have been skeptical about IAEA’s reports.


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10 October 2017

This is the time to face up to cyber threats

The ICT supply chain in India is only as strong as its weakest link: the end user. If the user is from rural India, with a limited understanding of the devices and transactions she accesses, her device is a point of vulnerability.


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10 October 2017

Pakistan’s isolation is responsible for its recent rants at UNGA

Pakistan continues to live in its own world as was reflected in its PM’s statement that there is no role for India in Afghanistan. Many in Pakistan are now putting all their eggs in China’s basket. The Xiamen BRICS declaration, which listed Pakistan-based terror organisations for the first time, should be a warning to Pakistan than an isolated Pakistan would be of little use to even China.


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