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30 July 2019

PM Boris Johnson’s first test will be to pull the UK out of the Brexit quagmire

India will continue to be seen as an important partner for the UK post-Brexit. Boris Johnson is fond of India and considers Narendra Modi a “political phenomenon”.


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30 July 2019

The day India’s banks died

They shouldn’t have been nationalized 50 years ago. So why is today’s government perpetuating the problem?


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30 July 2019

Crisis in the Inflammable Gulf

We are witnessing a rapidly aggravating crisis that can result in the outbreak of hostilities with consequences, unintended, uncontrollable and possibly frightful for the region and the rest of the world. We have not seen any serious effort on the part of the adversaries or others to de-escalate the crisis that originated with President Trump’s decision in May 2018 to walk out of the Iran nuclear deal, technically known as the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).


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12 July 2019

Follow the money

The NIA raids have had a salutary effect, but a lot more needs to be done to shut down the funding networks and penalise and reduce to penury of the conflict entrepreneurs.


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12 July 2019

No, domestic demand alone won’t induce foreign investors to come to India

Thinking India can induce enough private investment just because of the size of its market is a big mistake.


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12 July 2019

Expanding India’s share in global space economy

ISRO should embrace a civilian identity and, aided by legislation, form partnerships with the industry and entrepreneurs.


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28 June 2019

Navigating through hawks like Pompeo

India needs to clearly highlight its boundaries to the US to avoid being a collateral damage.


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28 June 2019

5G Technology: Transformational Synthesis for Armed Forces

Technological superiority has always been the main battle winning factor all through the history of warfare. With no matching weaponry in the Indian arsenal, Bharat, with all the requisite structures of a strong nationality, buckled in face of artillery fire of Babur and subsequently the fire arms of the European mercenaries. As a result, outsiders could intrude into the political space of the Indian sub-continent and ruled us for centuries. Technological superiority continues to be the fundamental fabric even in the present day hybrid warfare environment.


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28 June 2019

India must keep its eye on the China Challenge in Modi’s second term

In Modi’s second term, India needs to be pragmatic and clear-eyed about the challenge that Beijing poses for its interests.


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14 June 2019

The Indo-Pacific contestations

As tensions between the US and China escalate, regional states in the Indo-Pacific do not have the luxury of time on their side.


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