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19 December 2018

Decoding China’s Stance on South China Sea

China has been looking into formalizing of a Code of Conduct (COC) for the South China Sea (SCS) and seeks a possible long lasting solution to the maritime territorial dispute that persists with its other claimant countries. There have been consultative mechanisms under the ASEAN process as well as bilateral interactions at play to solve the SCS issue. Further, China has proposed maritime cooperation as well as undertaking of joint development projects in the contentious region.


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29 November 2018

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder has triggered a power struggle and the future of the ailing Saudi king and his overambitious son could be at stake.


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29 November 2018

Trump’s politics the new normal in US

While the Republican Party is becoming more firmly entrenched in the rural, mainly white parts of the country, the suburban areas are going in the Democratic direction.


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29 November 2018

India’s African Focus Continues

It appears that the next Chief Guest for the Republic Day 2019 will be Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, after a reluctant US President expressed his inability. It was for the good in any case. We should have leaders who value and respect the gesture and dignity of the invitation and with whom we have a great relationship since it is a unique honour.


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13 November 2018

The long arm of the state

Authoritarian states are brazenly challenging the liberal order.


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13 November 2018

The collision of these 3 geographies is creating a new world order

For the past seven decades, the world has been moulded by a strong, transatlantic relationship with the US and EU underwriting the terms of peace, stability and economic prosperity.


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13 November 2018

Chinese cooperation on countering terrorism

China’s ambivalence on Pakistan’s sponsorship of terror as state policy stands in the way of any umbrella agreement on cooperation


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26 October 2018

Climate change is not all pain and is expected to improve precipitation in India

Heat will destroy genetic diversity and trigger migration to cooler climes, water scarcity will constrain food crops, warmer and more acidic seas will denude coral reefs and marine food resources and sea level rise will submerge low islands and coastal areas.


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26 October 2018

Humanising the Rafale deal

Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, nearly 250 years ago, that “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” We could just as easily add scandals in defence procurement to that short list. From the famous “Jeep Procurement” scandal of the Fifties, to Bofors in the Eighties, Coffingate in the Nineties, the Westland VIP Helicopter and Tatra allegations of this decade, and now Rafale, there has only been the odd purchase of defence equipment that has not been rocked by allegations of corruption. This is a competitive field, the deals are huge and profits humungous. Thus, the stench allegedly emanating from the Rafale deal should come as no surprise. In fact, if there had been none that would have been astonishing indeed.


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26 October 2018

Why arms control is doomed to failure

By pulling the US out of the INF Treaty, US President Donald Trump is only hastening the inevitable


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