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The Diasporas are often essential to the survival of their countries of origin

International migrants from emerging and developing countries -estimated at 266 million people- sent home $440 billion in 2017 (Re.World Bank). And these figures are certainly underestimated as many workers regularly send money to family members through informal channels. The total of these amounts represents a very substantial proportion of national GDP: 30% in Nepal, 25% in Haiti , 16% in Lebanon and 15% in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Further, it should be noted that India with $60 billion is the principal beneficiary of these remittances, followed by China, the Philippines and Mexico. These remittances which are often spent on goods and services are of great significance for the local economies. Let us also not forget that we have entered a period in which the financing of international development is on the decline. In fact, these amounts represented last year 3 times more money than their home countries received in financial assistance from other countries or international institutions. At first glance, this system of redistribution works for everybody :developing countries and developed countries. However, we know that many of these migrants are young people, sometimes with technical skills and diplomas. Meanwhile the home country without a qualified workforce will continue to face low production and stagnation of the economy. We must therefore recognize that the effects of skilled emigration on countries of origin are inherently difficult to measure. That being said, the valuable contribution of diaspora communities to their home countries cannot be fundamentally contested.

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