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We should recognize that Immunization has saved tens of millions of Lives globally

It is worth recalling that public health problems and economic issues are often linked. The poor health of a population inevitably block the development process of a country. This is the case in many African countries but also in Asia. Some are by principle opposed to immunization. And vaccination remains a sensitive issue in many countries. But the truth is that vaccination has saved a lot of people's lives. In fact it is hard to contest that vaccines help to protect from serious illnesses entire populations and among them many children. The recommended vaccines include vaccines against Tuberculosis (BCG), Hepatite B (Hep B), Poliovirus (Polio) and Diphteria-Tetanus and Pertussis (DTP). Today we have vaccines that can prevent more than 20 life-threatening diseases, helping people to live long and healthier (Re. WHO). That being said, and despite considerable progress in immunization worldwide, too many people still have an insufficient access to vaccines. Plague, Cholera, Smallpox and Typhus are the epidemics that hit hard throughout centuries. Today several countries around the world have been able to make vaccines available to their population quickly. And the efficacy of proposed vaccines appears to be broadly satisfactory. In addition, there have been few serious side effects. Finally, it has also been found that the non-vaccinated make up an overwhelming majority (85%) of hospitalized persons due to Covid 19 (Re.Libé). These figures speak for themselves. Any effort to increase immunization coverage worldwide is crucial.

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