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The de-Westernization of the World is today at the heart of many debates

China and Russia in particular, but also many other countries around the world want to challenge the world order that has existed since 1945. In short, it is purely and simply a question of contesting the power of the United-States and its allies, notably the European Union. And it is undeniable that many emerging countries like Brazil agree with China and Russia to declare obsolete the international order under American influence. And obviously the war led by Pt Putin in Ukraine illustrates very well the desire of anti-democratic countries to challenge the supremacy of Western countries. And the rapid militarization of our planet is a further sign of the tensions to come. It is also important to remember which five countries in the world have the largest defense budgets: these are the USA, China, India, Russia and Saudi Arabia. And it is obvious that this classification clearly reflects the de-Westernization of the world. Finally it is also essential to highlight which are the five countries with the largest GDP in the world: these are the USA, China, Japan, Germany and India (Re:IMF). But let us emphasize that the ranking in the years 1990-2000 was the following: USA, Japan,Germany, France and Italy (Re:Data Lab). Consequently and taking into account the current context, one observation can be established: the de-Westernization of the world is underway.

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