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Lost or Wasted !

Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year gets lost or wasted - Report Food and Agriculture Organization -FAO- (UN). This represents annually approximately 1.3 billion tonnes and 28% of the world's agricultural area which are wasted! According to this study, and this is no real surprise, in developing countries "food is mostly lost during the early and middle stages of the food supply chain: from initial agricultural production to food distribution". While in developed countries "most of the food is wasted at the consumption stage" because people just buy too much food. The US, UK, Canada, Germany and Australia are in the top 5 of food wastage. In Germany for instance 11 million tonnes of food are wasted each year. According to the UN about 40% of food is wasted in India. 21 million tonnes of wheat goes waste every year, and this is equivalent to the entire production of Australia ! In this country it is mainly the result of a poor quality of the infrastructure. India needs urgently to improve its food storage. The Food Minister said that nearly 30% of the country's fruit and vegetable perish due to lack of cold-storage facilities. Other figures underline that 50% of the food is lost during the transportation ! That is simply unacceptable in a country where nearly half of the children are malnourished. And obviously lost or wasted food has also a major negative impact on the world's land and water resources. That is clearly an issue of great importance for the years to come.

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