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Here are the new customers

We know that 75% of households in the emerging economies expect a significant increase in their income over the next ten years. But only 40% of households in the developed countries expect such a rapid growth. This figures are the result of the research work conducted by the Boston Consulting Group. Despite a difficult period emerging countries will remain the world's core growth area. A large, young population of working age with a good level of education and a strong desire to consume will continue to be the engine of growth. But we must also consider their enormous investment needs in public infrastructure. Taking the food industry as an example. What attracts food companies to emerging countries ? The following figures speak for themselves : 84% of the world's population live there. GDP growth is 3 to 6% higher than in the majority of developed markets. By 2030 more than 90% of the world's middle class will live in these countries ! Taking now another example, but there are so many ,the Swiss watch industry. Between 2010 and 2012 this sector has shown an average export growth of 17% and watch exports hit a record high of more than $ 23 billion in 2012. It turns out that between 2000 and 2012 Asian countries accounted for some 70% of that increase ! It is a fact that many companies in the West must gain market share to ensure their growth and with this aim target the emerging countries such as Brazil, India or China. The sources of economic growth are of course located in these countries. It requires risk taking. But given the vital importance of these markets it is clearly not an option for them but an absolute necessity. Undoubtely this is where new customers are.

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