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Climate Change will be a huge Challenge especially for India

First, a few figures to understand the scale of the task that await us all over the world. With regard to the energy transition the EU alone will have to invest 584 billion euros in its electricity networks aiming to modernize these networks with a view to the deployment of renewable energies by 2030. This amount is colossal. Furthermore, the UN estimates that developing countries will need US$ 300 billion per year by 2030 to combat the effects of climate change. This amount is also huge. India, with its population of 1.4 billion inhabitants, is particularly exposed to the dangers of climate change. That said, it must be stressed that many countries including India are displaying their ambitions to achieve carbon neutrality. But the road will be long and arduous. Our earth according to numerous studies would be on a warming trajectory of 2.5% to 2.9% by the end of the century. However, a majority of scientists believe that it is absolutely necessary to limit the rise in temperatures to 1.5%. But let us return to the specific case of India. This country has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. India must at the same time ensure development linked to an ever-growing population and achieve its objectives linked to climate change. And there is urgency. India is already facing heat waves and intense floods. Let us stress a few facts. During the spring 2023 the temperatures in many parts of this country soared to as high as 45°C. And let's remember that it is exactly during this period of extreme heatwave that hundred of thousands of people had to struggle to access drinking water. Furthermore, the occurence of massive and sudden rains has also negatively affected agriculture in many Indian States , source of serious difficulties in the food supply. And a last observation is that the duration of dry periods between monsoons continues to lengthen. The outlook is unfortunately alarming.

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