About Transparency
According to Transparency International's definition "corruption comprises illegal activities which are deliberately hidden and only come to light through scandals, investigations or prosecutions". The corruption perception index (CPI) scores and ranks countries based on how corrupt a country's public sector is perceived to be. The aim of such an index is obviously to urge governments to fight corruption in their public institutions. The following figures indicate the perceived level of public sector corruption among 174 countries, and northern Europe is as expected the most virtuous zone. Denmark ranks 1st, Finland ranks 2nd, Switzerland 6th, India 94th, Afghanistan 174th. But make no mistake about it, corruption is also undermining democraty in Europe. Southern Europe in particular is faced with significant corruption risks. And only a few years ago bribery was tolerated in many former Soviet bloc countries. But the crisis seems to have changed public attitudes. The new slogan is "name and shame". There's no harm in wishing that it's not only an advertising slogan!
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