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A Few Key Points on Climate Change and Food Supply

Kate Holt/AusAID, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Today the link between climate change and food supply seems obvious. Climate change is associated with extreme weather events that weigh on our food security. And lack of food inevitably leads to tensions between inhabitants of a same region, and then leads to conflicts between neighboring countries. Food security remains a major problem in 2021. Combatting food waste remains another important challenge. And food distributors must seriously step up their efforts to limit food waste. Today more and more consumers invest a considerable amount of time to select the best products distributed by stores involved in the fight against climate change. Information is widely available and easy to obtain. We now have a clear idea of what lies ahead of us if we don't act: destroyed crops due to heat, lack of water, and an increasing number of pest insects. And let us not forget that already in many countries, and not only in Africa, the food situation is tight. The UN estimate that nearly 2 billion people have no access to sufficient food, both in quantity and quality. The world's food situation must therefore be closely monitored. International human rights norms include specific obligations regarding access to drinking water and sufficient food. This seems to be obvious, but you still have to keep it in mind.

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